Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't know my own fucking image and it's all for the better. Cuz it means I can do whatever I want, because I see no expectations or obligations. That means sky's the limit. Means I can go wherever without stopping. Because wherever I am is better than where I used to be. And whoever I am is not as good as what I could be. Then it's all about confidence, Genuine confidence verses no confidence. The area in between is where you strike the match, where this shit blows up. It's where you don't give a shit and where it doesn't matter anymore if you succeed or fail. Cuz no matter where you end up you're still gonna be you, and if you want to get there bad enough you will. Anyone can be a shining star. That term has no definition, it means whatever you want it to mean, but to get there you just have to want it bad enough. After that it's all confidence. Don't be scared, just fake it and fuck it all and see where it takes you.

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